Funny fibbage answers
Funny fibbage answers

This also works well with a group if you challenge them to do one of the following: Three True StatementsĪ classroom game designed to use vocabulary, this version challenges students to write three true statements using the same vocabulary word. Later, if you wish, you can play a game seeing who remembers the most names and lies. During the gathering, as participants mingle, they can guess which statement on the piece of paper is a lie. Have each person write their first name and two truths and a lie on the paper and pin it close to their shoulder. You will need pencils or pens for writing, notecards or small pieces of paper, and something to attach the papers to each person. This version can lead to a group learning a great deal about one another and usually is fun and revealing. For example, a person who has never flown in an airplane might say, “I frequently travel by air to see my family and friends.” Instead of two true statements and a lie, each person says two true statements and a dream or wish – something that is not true but the player wishes it was. Variations of Two Truths and a LieĪlso called Two Truths, One Lie, or Two Truths and One Not, there are some interesting variations you can try.

funny fibbage answers

You can go around the circle as many times as you wish, giving everyone a chance to go at least once. Alternatively, the person sitting closest to the last person goes next. Then, if only one person guesses the lie correctly, that person goes next. One way to decide who goes first is to randomly choose one person. The players vote on which one they believe is the lie and at the end of each round, the person who stated the three truths and one lie, tells which statement is the lie. Go around the circle, having each player share their three statements. Next, tell your players to think of two true statements, and one that is false, about themselves. A good choice might be:Īllow the group to guess which statement is a lie. Make sure they understand by demonstrating yourself presenting two truths and a lie to the group.


You will want to begin by having the players introduce themselves.Įxplain the game to make sure everyone understands how to play. They can sit on chairs on the floor or ground. The object of the game is for the other players to guess which statement is the false one.

  • 5.5 Truths or Lies about Your Personality and Life.
  • 5.4 Truths and Lies That Make You Sound Unique.
  • funny fibbage answers funny fibbage answers

    5.2 Truths and Lies about Abilities and Achievements.5.1 Truths and Lies about Your Family and Childhood.4 Strategies and Suggestions for Playing Two Truths and a Lie.3 Playing Two Truths and a Lie in the Classroom.

    Funny fibbage answers